20 décembre 2016

Tarantula++ obo

So here is my new printer, largely inspired from the basic principles of Tarantula and also Prusa.
In fact I redesigned/redraw almost all printed parts. Only I reused the Bed from Tarantula, it works so well :)

Main changes are :

  • 40x20 frame everywhere
  • printed bracket corner very rigid and making alignment easier
  • Rails for each axes (MGN12 from Hiwin)
  • Motors 400 Steps/turn
  • Dual extruder, dual hotend
  • Horizontal Y belt with only two pulleys
  • Z dual motors with leadscrew
  • Electronic 32 bits MKS SBASE 
It's also on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/TEVO.3dprinter.owners/1242687839158521/
and on thingiverse:  http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1983256

Tarantula++ obo

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