10 mars 2016

Hot bed for OboXL3D

Given the large size of the printer (600mm), for the heat bed  I decided to use two pad (from china), with dimensions each 300x300mm.

The problem is that each pad requires roughly 300w power supply.
So instead of a *big* power supply of more than 600w,  I decided to use 2*350w power supply at a reasonable cost (35€) each.
To control these power supply, instead of using SSD relay with doubts about the end of life, I use two electronic boards with  mosfet.
That works perfectly already on my other printer 3D, and it decouple the electronic+heat head+motors+fans from the Bed power supply.  More than 10A is used by bed, reste of electronic requires only 1A. A large current consomption from BED does not impact the rest of the printer.

The Bed regulator control board schematic comes from here:
and I adapted in on prototype PCB with strips.
*Be careful to NOT link both GND , or you may damage all*

Each power supply is 350W, model meanwell  LRS-350. I printed the protection case and adapt plusgs and swtich.  See http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1221600

Orange power supply is 12V, for electronic board, motors, heat head, fans.
Black power supply is 24V and for each PAD of the heat bed.

5 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Tout d'abord, super boulot !!!
Quels moteurs tu as mis pour le Z ? les deux moteurs ont assez de puissance pour garantir une bonne précision en Z ?

Bon courage et continu comme ça ! ;)

Obor a dit…

Les moteurs en Z sont ceux-ci:
Aucun problème de puissance, et la précision semble bonne.

Manga (Cartoon Book) a dit…

How to wiring two heatbeds?

Unknown a dit…

Can you share the schematics for the mosfet board?

Obor a dit…

I took the schematic from here: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-heated-bed-mosfet-relay-hack-v2